What we were making/doing:
Today we were decorating our art club t-shirts (we'll need them for messy stuff later!) with our names and other drawings! we made text art using 3D cardboard structures, arranging them in different ways and we also came up with a massive palm tree and some pretty awesome interchangeable characters too. We were introduced to out new art club sketchbooks and how we can use them for jotting down visual ideas and making whatever genius ideas and whatever mistakes we want
Artists we were looking at:
Jason Rhoades
Jenny Holzer
Jenny Holzer
Bob and Roberta Smith
What we learnt:
We learnt about documenting installations and how some art is temporal, changing and how some sculpture even requires hands on interaction with the viewer and public. We talked about how text can be a really interesting thing to use in art as it means different things to different people
Some things we had to say about art this week: